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Week 6 - Business Case Project Part 5

Week 6 - Business Case Project Part 5

Q Management sees this IT service department solution as a distributed architecture (multiple sites and buildings). Since this is a new build out, they estimate 15-service associates will staff each of three locations with a need for high performance workstations, VoIP devices, headsets, and high bandwidth (gigabit) network equipment supporting voice, video, and data. This assignment requires you to research “in-building” computer network topologies and hardware. You must compare and contrast, at least, two different network topologies. Be sure to include the benefits and limitations of each topology. In addition, you will need to provide line item capital costs and any on-going operational costs associated with the end user equipment and network hardware. As the minimum, you should include a table with the line item description, quantity, unit price, and unit price total. Assume, this is a new implementation, there is no excess capacity (open ports) on the network equipment, and each network drop (user location) is within 90m of the data center. Lastly, provide a recommendation about which topology you think would be most appropriate for Lakewood IT. Why is it the most appropriate? The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages, figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages). In addition, the paper must use: • Times New Roman, 12 pt font/typeset • Double spaced lines • The APA Manual, 7th edition's title page, header, margins, figure, table, and heading formatting • The APA Manual, 7th edition's writing mechanic guidelines Rubric IST 7020 Project Part 5 Rubric IST 7020 Project Part 5 Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplicability 20 to >18.8 pts Excellent The content and information sources all relate to the assignment and course content with excellent integration of course material and sourced material. 18.8 to >17.6 pts Good The content and information sources mostly relate to the assignment and course content with good integration of course material and sourced material. 17.6 to >17.0 pts Satisfactory The content and information sources generally relate to the assignment and course content with adequate integration of course material and sourced material. 17 to >14.6 pts Needs Improvement The content and/or information sources marginally relate to the assignment and/or course content. 14.6 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory The content and/or information sources do not relate to the assignment and/or course content. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent 20 to >18.8 pts Excellent The assignment clearly and concisely, with exceptional detail, compares and contrasts more than two different network topologies; and includes the benefits and limitations of each topology; and provides a very logical and accurate table of line item capital and operational costs associated with the end user equipment and network hardware; and explains the topology recommendation with excellent detail. 18.8 to >17.6 pts Good The assignment compares and contrasts more than two different network topologies with good detail; and includes the benefits and limitations of each topology; and provides a logical and accurate table of line item capital and operational costs associated with the end user equipment and network hardware; and explains the topology recommendation with good detail. 17.6 to >17.0 pts Satisfactory The assignment adequately compares and contrasts two different network topologies; and includes the benefits and limitations of each topology; and provides a somewhat logical and accurate table of line item capital and operational costs associated with the end user equipment and network hardware; and adequately explains the topology recommendation. 17 to >14.6 pts Needs Improvement The assignment does not adequately compare and contrast two different network topologies; or adequately include the benefits and limitations of each topology; or adequately provide a somewhat logical and accurate table of line item capital and operational costs associated with the end user equipment and network hardware; or adequately explain the topology recommendation. 14.6 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory The assignment does not compare and contrast two different network topologies; or include the benefits and limitations of each topology; or provide a table of line item capital and operational costs associated with the end user equipment and network hardware; or explain the topology recommendation. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization 20 to >18.8 pts Excellent The assignment's content has excellent organization and a very local flow with appropriately used section and/or subsection headings clearly organizing the content into logical sections and/or subsections 18.8 to >17.6 pts Good The assignment's content has good organization and a local flow with several appropriate section and/or subsection headings adequately organizing the content into logical sections and/or subsections 17.6 to >17.0 pts Satisfactory The assignment's content is adequately organized using a few somewhat appropriate section headings helping to organize the content 17 to >14.6 pts Needs Improvement The assignment's content contains little organizational structure or seems to be randomly present the content 14.6 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory The assignment's content lacks a discernible organizational structure. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentences & Paragraphs 13.33 to >12.53 pts Excellent All of the sentences and paragraphs are clear and well-constructed and all of the paragraphs include a main idea in a topic sentence with details arranged in a logical progression reflecting thoughtful insight, contain related details, and excellent transitions between paragraphs. 12.53 to >11.73 pts Good A majority of the sentences and paragraphs are clear and well-constructed and a majority of the paragraphs include a main idea in a topic sentence with details arranged in a logical progression, contain related details, and good transitions between paragraphs. 11.73 to >11.33 pts Satisfactory Many of sentences and paragraphs are clear and well-constructed and many of the paragraphs include a main idea, discernible pattern of organization, contain related details, and appropriate transitions between paragraphs. 11.33 to >9.73 pts Needs Improvement Some of the sentences and paragraphs are somewhat clear and well-constructed, but many of the paragraphs are missing a main idea and/or they lack a discernible pattern of organization, contain unrelated details, and limited transitions between paragraphs. 9.73 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory A majority of the sentences and paragraphs are not clear or well-constructed and often lack clarity and/or most of the paragraphs are missing a main idea and/or they lack a discernible pattern of organization, contain unrelated details, and no transitions between paragraphs. 13.33 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling, Grammar, Punctuation 13.33 to >12.53 pts Excellent No spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors are readily apparent 12.53 to >11.73 pts Good Paper contains 1 or 2 spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 11.73 to >11.33 pts Satisfactory Paper contains 3 or 4 spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 11.33 to >9.73 pts Needs Improvement Paper contains 5 or 6 spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 9.73 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory Paper contains more than 6 spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 13.33 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style/Formatting 13.34 to >12.53 pts Excellent No APA errors are readily apparent 12.53 to >11.73 pts Good Paper contains 1 or 2 APA errors 11.73 to >11.33 pts Satisfactory Paper contains 3 or 4 APA errors 11.33 to >9.73 pts Needs Improvement Paper contains 5 or 6 APA errors 9.73 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory Paper contains more than 6 APA errors 13.34 pts Total Points: 100

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We use business case analysis to make wise decisions for firms. It is mostly required in enterprises where project managers must persuade entrepreneurs to support them. The project manager analyses and evaluates a selection's costs, threats, and benefits. Business owners then assess whether they still need to approve the option. In essence, the analysis asks what will happen to post the action and provides an answer in business terms, such as business advantages, vulnerabilities, and business costs (Odlin & Benson-Rea, 2021).